Friday, March 13, 2009

A Meeting With Karl Lagerfeld

You're in Paris. It's fashion week. Your husband points out Karl Lagerfeld. You are in shock. You think your husband is referring to a book cover (You're walking past a bookstore). So your mind races... think. think. What book? Your husband meanwhile is not wasting any of his time (another thought: when did he become such a fashion divo?) and is taking out his camera phone. YOU ARE NOW THIS [] CLOSE TO HIM....... It now hits you... the Kaiser is this []

I'm not sure if you just read and processed what I just wrote. YOU ARE [] THIS CLOSE TO Karl Lagerfeld! What do you do? What do you say?!!!!

(I would personally freeze, heart would stop beating and probably faint right in front of him..... hmmm I wonder, Would he stay until I came back to life)?

Well.... my sister had the pleasure of (yes) being [] close to Mr. Lagerfeld, and with the best french accent said, "Pardon, je voudrais une photo, sil vous plait.".... The moment of anticipation...
He looked at her, tapped his pockets, mumbled something under his breath and then... walked away! At first she couldn't believe he would do that, then realized "Hmm... maybe he didnt hear me? question mark.

We'll never know what was said/heard on either end, but "Uh Hello?!" does it really matter? At the end of the day, YOU.WERE.[].CLOSE.SPOKE TO.KARL.LAGERFELD!!!!!!!!

Let's just say the moment is currently and forever will be on replay. I mean how can it not be?

If you can't get a picture with him... You better at least just get a picture of him.
Karl leaving the bookstore:

image: sis

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