Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Repeat Offender

So I found my "go to outfit", "okay I think I'm going to wear this everyday outfit," this morning as I stumbled out of bed and running late to work.

The outfit: my leggings from H&M that have a bit of detailing on them so they're not the plain,ordinary black leggings, long black sheer turtleneck, layered over a racer back tank, the perfect short one button blazer, and knee high black suede boots. Accessories: men's black leather band watch and the spike ring from the MJ accessories store.

As I walked out the door, I said, this is it. I'm going to wear this everyday! Which lead me to think... If Karl can get away with it.... could I?

1 comment:

janet said...

definitely. if you have an outfit that works, why not!? i have to find my uniform...